Renowned Speakers

Alexei Basnakian
DNA Damage and Toxicology Core Center University of Arkansas USA USA

Edgar Perez Herrero
University of Salamanca, Spain Spain

Shayan F Lahiji
Yonsei University, South Korea South Korea

Khuloud Al-Jamal
Kings College London, UK UK

Volkmar Weissig
World Mitochondria Society, USA USA

Janina-Miriam Noy
The University of New South Wales, Australia Australia

Ilayda Acaroglu Degitz
Yeditepe University, Turkey Turkey

Matthew N Bahr
Glaxo Smith Kline, USA USA
Recommended Global Pharmaceutical Sciences Webinars & Conferences
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Drug delivery 2022
To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
Conference Date October 05-06, 2022
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